Madani Syllabus
Fundamental Teachings of Islam 7 Kalimāt (Statements of Faith) Kalimaĥ Ṭ ayyibaĥ ِّٰ ȸ ُّٰ 'ُﺤَﻤَّﺪٌ رَّﺳُ*ْلُ ا ȸ اِﻟٰ َ اِﻻَّ ا ٓ َ ﻻ ط Translation: There is none worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad ٖ ! ʋ ʄ% ! is the Prophet of Allah. Kalimaĥ Shaĥādat َﺒْﺪُهٗ وَرَﺳُ*ْﻟُٗ + ْﻬَﺪُ اَنَّ 'ُﺤَﻤَّﺪًا 4َ ْﻚَ ﻟَ ٗ وَا 5ِ#َ4َ ْﺪَهٗ ﻻ 6َ ُّٰ و ȸ ْﻬَﺪُ اَنْ ﻻَّاِﻟٰ َ اِﻻَّ ا 4َ ا ط Translation: I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah. He is alone and He has no partner and I testify that Muhammad is His (Distinguished) Servant and His Prophet. Kalimaĥ Tamjīd ٰ ﺳُﺒْﺤ اِﻟَٰ ٓ َ ِِّٰ وَﻻ ȸُ ِّٰ وَاﻟْﺤَﻤْﺪ ȸ َ ا $ َُ 7ْ8َ ُّٰ ا ȸ ُّٰ وَا ȸ اِﻻَّ ا ط ِ ِ"ْﻢ 9َ ِّٰ ا ﻟْﻌَﻠِ:ِّ اﻟْﻌ ȸ ُ*َّةَ اِﻻَّ ﺑِﺎا <َ َ*ْلَ وَﻻ 6َ وَﻻ ط Translation: Glory be to Allah and all praise be to Allah and there is none worthy of worship except Allah, and Allah is Great and there is no power to keep away from sins and no ability to do good but from Allah who is the greatest.