Madani Syllabus

Fundamental Teachings of Islam 43 Invocations Add Pics 1. ɟَ َﺎﻃِﻤ n ِoْ "ِʏْ@َ ﺗ Recite َ اﻟﻠّٰ $ٰ ﺳُﺒْﺤ ِɟ 33 times, اَﻟْﺤَﻤْﺪُﻟِﻠّٰ ِɟ 33 times and اَﻟﻠّٰ َُ 7ْ8َ ُ ا ɟ 34 times after every Ṣ alāĥ. 2. ُ َﺎ ﺳَ?َم 5 Recite it 111 times and blow on the patient. He will be cured, >?ˠ;< ȹ )*!+ . 3. ُ َّﺎب `َ َﺎ و 5 Whoever recites it 7 times daily, every Du’ā of his will be fulfilled. 4. َﺎ 5 ِ"ْﻢُ 9َ+ Recite it 7 times, blow on water and then drink the water. This will relieve stomach pain, ;<ˠ>? ȹ )*!+ .