Madani Syllabus

Fundamental Teachings of Islam 38 Ethics Good and bad deeds C Always treat your parents and elders with respect. C It is rude to talk with parents aloud. C When parents come, stand up in their honour. C Kiss your father’s hand and mother’s foot at least once a day. C Whole-heartedly do every permissible chore given to you by your parents. C Make Du’a for your parents, Murshid and teachers after every Salah. C Lying is a very grave sin. C Calling someone names is impermissible and a sin. C Stealing is also a grave sin. C Causing harm to any Muslim is a sin. C Laughing and making noises in Masjid are both forbidden. C Backbiting is a H araam act leading to Hell. C Tale-teller will not enter Paradise . C The one who remained silent got salvation.