Madani Syllabus

Fundamental Teachings of Islam 35 Madani pearls of drinking water C One should drink water while sitting. C One should see water in light before he drinks it. C One should drink water with the right hand. C One should drink water whilst his head is covered. C One should recite ﷽ before he drinks water. C One should recite اَﻟْ ِ رَبِّ اﻟْ ﺪُ ﻟِﻠّٰ ﺤَﻤْ ɟ َْ Hِ ﻌٰﻠَﻤ after he has drunk water. C One should drink water in 3 breaths. C One should drink water slowly with both lips touching the glass. C One should take care that water should neither fall nor drip whilst he is drinking it. C Leftover water should not be thrown away. Madani pearls of eating food C It is a Sunnah to wash both hands up to the wrists before and after the eating. (Sunan Ibn-e-Majah, Kitab-ul-Aṭ’imaĥ, vol. 4, p. 9, Hadees 3260) Rinse and wash the mouth as well. C One should eat food whilst sitting according to Sunnah. A Sunnah of sitting whilst eating is to keep the left leg folded on the ground so that the thigh rests on the calf and the right knee is erect. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, Part. 16, p. 21) C One should eat food with 3 fingers of the right hand (the thumb, the forefinger and the middle one). (Mirqāt, Kitāb-ul-Aṭ’imaĥ, Vol. 8, p. 8)